Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What a beautiful Tuesday morning! Absolutely gorgeous drive into work today. We had a streaking red sky this morning - you know that kind? Brilliant red with a little streaking of blue sky mixed in with a wisp of just the right amount of clouds mixed in. It looked absolutely phenomenal above the colorful Autumn trees. Mornings like this really makes you feel alive. It's a shame that I sometimes take things for granted...such as a beautiful sky ... a deer ... a fox or even a little chipmunk. Although, I'm usually cursing at the buggers while I'm slamming on my car brakes so I don't hit them as they run across the road - and I'm SURE they DID NOT look both ways!!! Ok, enough of my ramblings [I'm finding that I'm doing that more and more]. Today there will be two different downloads. You can get the Sea Shell Frames or, if interested, the Sea Shell Brads & Stuff by clicking on the links. Until tomorrow! Breath in heavily and exhale lightly!

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